





Water inlet in the electric valve;
The water in the electric door is mainly rain. The rain water enters the electric head from the cable trench along the cable pipe. For example, the lower header drain ා 2 electric valve at the left end, the electric head is the Omar electric valve, and if there is a fault, there is no feedback display in the picture in the central control room. It is found that the three indicator lights on the door are on at the same time on the spot. It is obvious that a fault signal is reported, which may be a torque fault. However, turning the hand wheel manually, it is found that the valve is not stuck, and the action is normal. At this time, it is speculated that the feedback device may be out of order, Open the cover to see if the feedback device is normal. At this time, I think it may be that the dial switch is not set properly or the circuit board is faulty. When the other cover is opened, it is found that there is water at the circuit board dial switch. When the power supply is cut off, wipe the water in the electric head of the circuit board dry, and work normally after power transmission.
2. In the hot state, the electric door has over torque.
In the hot state, the electric valve has more excessive torque, mainly due to the thermal expansion, the valve is stuck, and the high bypass pressure regulating valve has excessive torque. When the hand wheel is turned manually on the spot, it is found that the manual force is not too hard. Check that the opening torque is 700nm, and the maximum torque is 1000nm. At this time, set the opening torque as 900nm, but the regulating valve still cannot be opened in the local or remote state. At this time, after the major adjustment It is allowed to open the valve manually to 90%. After a while, the remote operation is normal. Finally, it is concluded that the temperature difference and pressure difference on both sides of the valve are too large. After the final shutdown, adjust the opening torque to the maximum of 1000nm and the closing torque to 900nm. If this problem still occurs when starting the machine again, it can be determined that the use of this type of electric control valve in the pipeline is unreasonable,


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