车库门被堵,遇到这种情况怎么办? |
添加时间:2017/12/25 17:21:25 浏览次数: |
昨日,家住市区国鑫·西溪名都小区的刘先生向本报新闻热线反映,称由于小区内车辆多,一些驾驶员公共道德意识较差,经常遇到车库门被堵的情况,车子出不来,只能望“车”兴叹。 Yesterday, live in the city, Xixi Guoxin District names Mr. Liu to the newspaper news hotline reflect that because the District vehicles, some drivers of public moral consciousness is poor, often encountered in the garage door is blocked, the car could not come out, can only hope that the "car" sigh. “车库门前经常有‘不速之客’,想把车停进车库很难。”刘先生无奈地说,车库被堵了只能自己想办法,有的车主会留下联系电话,拨通后,一般会配合挪车;可有时车主出差在外,无法回来挪车。 "There are often" uninvited guests "in front of the garage door. It is difficult to stop the car in the garage." Mr. Liu said, the garage was blocked to fend for themselves, some owners will leave a contact phone number, dial, usually with the Norwegian car; sometimes the owners travel abroad, unable to move the car back. 记者走访了国鑫·西溪名都、长河·山水景城、国际花城等小区的地下车库后发现,不少车库门前都写着“车库门前禁止停车”、“车库门前停车后果自负”,但一些车主还是熟视无睹。 The reporter visited Xixi City, river, Guoxin landscape city, and other international flower of the underground garage and found that many of the garage door are marked "no parking garage door, garage door parking in front of the consequences", but some owners still blind. 山水景城小区居民陈小姐说,她也遇到了相同的难题,车库门前一旦停了车,自己的车想“回家”或“出门”都难,有一次车库门被堵,对方又没留联系电话,只好拨打114。 Landscape city residents Miss Chen said, she also encountered the same problem, the garage door once stopped the car, his car wants to "go home" or "go out" to have a garage door blocked, the other did not leave the phone, had to call 114. “《物业管理条例》并没有对车库门前能否停车、在多远距离外可以停车等问题作出规定,要想解决车库门前乱停车的问题,目前只能靠物业、社区工作人员管理,或者业主间自行协商解决。”山水景城一物业工作人员表示。 "The" property management regulations "and not on the front of the garage door can stop, in the far distance parking problems such as provisions, in order to solve the parking problem of the garage door, can only rely on the property, the community management staff, or the owners of their own consultation." Landscape city a property staff said. “市民如果在城市道路、公共通行道路遇到车辆被堵,又联系不上车主,可及时报警,交警部门可以按照违停情况进行拖移处理,但在小区内就不能这么处理。”市公安局交警大队副大队长何志强表示,为了不影响他人正常出行,市民停车时还需考虑周全,要提高公共道德意识,对于有车一族而言,与人方便就是与己方便。 "If people encounter vehicles stuck in the city roads, public access roads, and can not contact the owner, timely alarm, police departments can be illegally parked for dragging, but in the area that cannot be processed." He Zhiqiang, deputy head of the traffic police brigade of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, said that in order not to affect other people's normal travel, the public should take a comprehensive consideration when parking. We should improve public morality consciousness. For a car family, it's convenient to be convenient to people. |
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