车库门关上后又自动打开了怎么办 |
添加时间:2018/1/13 17:47:41 浏览次数: |
有时候车库门关上以后会自动打开,这是怎么一回事?应该如何处理?是否可以自行解决?今天的How视频教您自行解决车库门关上后又自动打开。 Sometimes, when the garage door closes, it will open automatically. What's the matter? How should we deal with it? Can you solve it by yourself? Today's How video teaches you to solve the garage door and open it automatically. 车库门关闭落到地面又自动反弹上去怎么办? What do you do when the garage door closes to the ground and bounces automatically? 车库门关闭后又自动打开是车库门Opener(车库门开门器)的限位不对引起的。 The automatic opening of the garage door after the door is closed is not caused by the limit of the garage door Opener (garage door opener). 解决办法: Terms of settlement: 将Opener的限位调整到合适的位置。 Adjust the Opener's limit to the appropriate position. 用一字螺丝刀调整限位旋钮, 调整限位箭头向下的旋钮,按表示箭头方向的相反方向旋转。 Adjust the limit knob with a screwdriver, adjust the downward knob of the limit arrow, and rotate in the opposite direction of the arrow direction. 每次调整一点,循序渐进。 Adjust one point each time, step by step. 测试车库门关闭情况,调整不到位,再次调整,再次测试,直至车库门可以正常关闭为止。 Test the closure of the garage door, the adjustment is not in place, re - adjusted, again test until the garage door can be closed normally. |
上一页 自动门的维修与保养 |
下一页 自动门保养的重要性 |
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