不锈钢卷闸门顾名思义就是不容易生锈的钢材所制 |
添加时间:2020/11/16 14:05:26 浏览次数: |
不锈钢卷闸门顾名思义就是不容易生锈的钢材所制,这里的"不锈"是相对的,不是绝对的是相对于碳钢而言。不锈钢不容易生锈,但不是绝对不生锈,只是在相同条件和环境中,较碳钢而言不容易被腐蚀和生锈。 As the name suggests, stainless steel rolling gate is made of steel which is not easy to rust. The "stainless" here is relative, not absolute, relative to carbon steel. Stainless steel is not easy to rust, but it is not absolutely rusty. It is only under the same conditions and environment, it is not easy to be corroded and rusted than carbon steel. 生锈"其实质是腐蚀或称之为锈蚀,是由于钢铁表面与大气中的氧、水分及其酸、碱、盐等物质发生化学作用或电化学作用而引起的变色或腐蚀称为锈蚀。表面产生的物质是"锈"是铁的氧化物,也叫做物质氧化的过程。 The essence of "rust" is corrosion or rust. It is the discoloration or corrosion caused by chemical or electrochemical action between steel surface and oxygen, water, acid, alkali, salt and other substances in the atmosphere. The substance produced on the surface is rust, which is the oxide of iron, also known as the process of material oxidation. 不锈钢卷闸门为什么不易生锈,这就和铬有着直接的关系了,在基体内加入12.5%以上的铬。在氧化性腐败无能蚀介质中,铬能使钢表面很快地生成一层致密的钝化膜,防止金属基体被破坏。当含铬量在12.5%以上时,就会形成一层致密的稳定的钝化膜,防锈性能发生跃进式的实变,耐锈蚀能力大大增强,这就是为什么不锈钢中的含铬量要有12%以上的原因。 Why stainless steel rolling gate is not easy to rust, which is directly related to chromium, adding more than 12.5% chromium into the matrix. In the oxidizing and decaying media, chromium can form a dense passivation film on the steel surface quickly to prevent the metal matrix from being destroyed. When the chromium content is more than 12.5%, a dense and stable passivation film will be formed, the rust resistance will be greatly enhanced, which is why the chromium content in stainless steel should be more than 12%. |
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